As I searched the World Wide Web for an image depicting at least my idea of kindness, I realized something. There is not one image I could even fathom defining kindness or an act of kindness that was not cliché.
Then I started to think about what kindness is. I see it all the time. I see people smile and meet strangers with a greeting of a good day. That is kind. I see people hold open doors for others and receive a heartfelt thank you. That is kindness too. But do we do this out of habit or as an obligation taught to us by our parents, then oblige reflexively? I am sure of one thing: when someone does any of these acts, whether reflexive or from a habit of good manners, you start a chain of goodwill. Was the act of kindness originated by parents that took the time to teach us the importance of this behavior? I think this so.
Kindness Starts with Children
Kindness starts at the primary basis of behaving decently to one another. Our kindness stems from what we teach our children. As we started working on these websites, my daughter of 17 years at the time said to me, “Mom, you gotta get them when they’re young.” I looked at my inquisitive child and asked her, “Why would you say that?” And her answer was, “Because when you teach young people that it is good to act with goodwill and selflessness, they believe that is the way it is supposed to be.”
I pondered her point for a while. Then I returned with the question, “What about me and others trying to make a change?” I thought I had her with that question. Of course, she shot back to me with an answer immediately. She said, “Everyone has the potential to be kind and spread goodwill. The problem is that they don’t know it as well as you do.”
So now my quest has changed from the quest to find kindness to the quest for kindness. The mission is to send, teach and spread kindness. Every day, I mindfully check my manners and greet and show others intentional regard for their well-being, whether I know them or not, with eye-to-eye contact. I forgive and overlook minor flaws, trespasses, and shortcomings in the hopes that I will be afforded the same courtesy. Mostly I make sure not to tread on others’ right to opinion. I teach by example and hope to send my ripples of love outward to make an everlasting change.
This journey is my quest for kindness; I start with myself and try to get others to do the same.
Partner up with Scrolls of Hope in the Quest for Kindness.
In a world where so many people are struggling and facing difficult circumstances, giving messages of hope can be a powerful way to make a difference. Whether it’s a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or simply a few moments of your time, giving to individuals in need can have a profound impact on their lives.
Messages to the elderly
One group that often benefits from messages of hope is the elderly in nursing homes. These individuals may feel isolated, alone, and forgotten, especially if they have limited mobility or health issues. By reaching out to them with messages of hope and encouragement, you can help them feel seen, valued, and connected to the world around them.
Messages to Children
Sick children are another group that can benefit greatly from messages of hope. When a child is dealing with a serious illness or health condition, it can be incredibly scary and overwhelming for them and their families. By sending messages of hope, you can help these children and their loved ones feel supported and uplifted during difficult times.
Messages to the Homeless and Displaced
Homeless people are yet another group that can benefit from messages of hope. These individuals may feel invisible or ignored by society and may struggle with feelings of shame, worthlessness, or hopelessness. By reaching out to them with kindness and compassion, you can help them feel seen, heard, and valued as human beings.
Giving messages of hope doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Simple gestures like writing a note, sending a card, or making a phone call can all make a big difference in the lives of those who receive them.
Here are some tips to help you get started:
Be genuine: When you reach out to someone with a message of hope, make sure that your words are sincere and heartfelt. Avoid platitudes or cliches, and focus on what you truly want to say.
Keep it simple: Your message doesn’t need to be long or complicated. A few words of encouragement or support can be just as powerful as a lengthy letter.
Be specific: If you know the person you’re sending the message to, try to include a personal touch that shows you know and care about them. For example, you could mention a shared interest, a favorite memory, or a personal quality that you admire.
Offer practical help: If you’re able to offer concrete support, such as running an errand or providing a meal, make sure to include that in your message of hope.
Follow up: After sending your message, try to check in with the person to see how they’re doing. A simple phone call or text message can show that you care and are there for them.
Giving messages of hope to individuals in need can be a powerful way to make a difference in the world. By reaching out with kindness, compassion, and support, you can help others feel seen, valued, and connected to the world around them. So why not take a few moments today to reach out to someone in need, and brighten their day with a message of hope?
Every day Scrolls of Hope has the honor of meeting many inspiring people of goodwill. Each going unnoticed because of their unassuming nature despite their extensive acts of kindness. With little or no expectations of anything in return, they carry out their lives in an everlasting state of love for humankind. These are individuals Scrolls of Hope recognizes for their life-changing effect on the world. Thank you to the silent heroes affecting our lives every day. The following article is authored by Stephanie Anne Allen.
Tony Alsup is a genuine hero. A true hero sees a need and finds a way to fix it. That is just what Tony did when he heard about the stranded animals left in shelters after Hurricanes.
Tony Alsup’s solution is using a school bus, to rescue dogs and cats left stranded after hurricanes.
In 2017, Hurricane Harvey shook Texas. Tony Alsup heard about the animals who were in need of rescuing from the dangerous area. He bought a school bus, pulled out the seats, filled an open space with a makeshift kennel. Tony started saving animals left behind in area shelters. According to The Washington Post, he did the same during Hurricane Irma.
This 51-year-old trucker drove across North and South Carolina to save shelter animals caught up in the devastation of Hurricane Florence as well.
Tony Alsup rescued 64 animals from 4 different shelters. He drove to a shelter in Alabama, then turned around so he could pick up more animals.
“I’m like, look, these are lives too,” Alsup told The Post during a pit stop.
Send Scrolls of Hope your hero a Plaque of Appreciation. Tell your story at The Good Scrolls Gazette.
Shane Drossard is a man with very little in the way of possessions. A homeless man, yet he gave away the only thing that is truly important, his heart.
It was early Saturday morning when Shane Drossard came to the rescue of a struggling soul from the Mississippi River.
It was about 2 a.m when Shane Drossard was woken up by a huge splash, like something hard hitting the water.
He ran to the edge of the river bank where Drossard heard a female’s voice coming from the Mississippi River.
Lowering himself over a steel and concrete wall, he grabbed the woman. Shortly after the woman’s strength gave up and she let go. Drossard jumped into the water after her.
“She says finally, ‘I’m going to go, I didn’t want to be here anymore anyway,” Stated Drossard
He kept telling the woman that she is beautiful and has a full life ahead of her. As Drossard was trying to hold onto her against the current, she was trying to give up.
The Hennepin County water patrol and law enforcement officers pulled onto the scene in response to a 911 call from a passerby.
Shane Drossard is a hero as he gave all he had, to help another in desperate need.
The strength of any civilization is in direct proportion to the average well-being of ALL its citizens. If we were to envision the quality of existence of all humanity as a ladder, each rung could represent the condition of existence. Those existing at the top of the ladder would have a reasonably good life. The lower levels would depict individuals living with problematic or troubled complexities.
Lifting every person one step up on the ladder would change the spirit of the planet. To do this, we need to assist our fellow citizens who are struggling at the lower rungs of the ladder. Some of these individuals always had life trouble. Others previously towards the top of the ladder found themselves on the lower levels due to an unfortunate circumstance.
The Power of Love
When individuals feel disempowered by illness, loss or displacement, it is difficult for them to express themselves. All too often, these individuals may adhere their willpower to those who seem to have authority. This surrender causes them to lose themselves more and more until entirely dependent on others. With a little encouragement and compassion, many of these people could easily find themselves again and feel stronger. A show of kindness may even help heal illness, injury or help someone find faith and hope.
This sensitivity is especially vital at life’s end, or when a person is terminally ill. Compassion plays a significant role in letting one know they have made a difference in life. Being remembered and cared for helps individuals feel loved. Showing kindness to family members in their time of need gives extra support in handling the loss of a loved one.
Giving the Voiceless a Voice
Alyse Tobler-Price (MCAP) is not a stranger when it comes to empowering others. She has dedicated her entire career to giving a voice back to all she counsels. Being overwhelmed by the number of individuals that need tending, led to an easy and unique solution. She devised the SEMPI Social Communication Model that teaches individuals to listen and communicate reciprocally with each other on a much deeper level, in under 20 minutes. This allows individuals who feel lonely, isolated or unheard, to voice their often unspoken needs, and work toward understanding what is truly going on for them internally, which in turn promotes healing and personal empowerment. Once community members have learned the SEMPI model, they can then ‘pay it forward’ to help the next person find their voice, so they too can work toward feeling less lonely, isolated or unheard! Without hesitation, Alyse has given the SEMPI Social Communication Model free of charge to her community. Now she is sharing it throughout the world.
Scrolls of Hope has adopted the new SEMPI Social Communication Model that teaches people how to feel heard, validated and understood by anyone who learns the model. By sharing it with affiliates, organizations can encourage their carers to learn how to deeply listen to those in their care. Genuinely hearing individuals experiencing difficult life challenges, enables a caregiver to advocate for what is needed by patients or displaced persons if they cannot do this for themselves. Being listened to empowers individuals to express their unmet needs easily, leading to self-empowerment through finding their voice. The SEMPI Social Communication Model removes the feelings of anguish previously experienced if people were not feeling heard. This connection gives everyone a deeper form of communication to build upon while promoting empathy, deeper listening skills, and the understanding of other’s perspectives apart from their own. Disempowered community members also start to feel more included, less lonely, and more loved.
Changing the World One Scroll at a Time
Dave and Wendy Williams, the founders of Scrolls of Hope, are reaching out to those making a change. Meeting and networking with altruistic individuals such as Alyse gives rise to the possibility of sharing stories about individuals at the forefront of social change. The purpose is to unite people of goodwill through the Good Scrolls Gazette. This new platform gives room to post and spread stories of hope and triumphs that will raise awareness.
Scrolls of Hope is a new idea that allows individuals to send messages of hope to people in less than favorable situations.
The Good Scrolls Gazette and Scrolls of Hope will continue to expand its network and adopt ideas that promote the betterment of all. This will be the place where stories of personal triumph, acts of silent heroes, and uplifting stories of social change will be shared. Coupled with local communities and global involvement, together we all can help everyone move one step up the Ladder of Well-being. To paraphrase a great man, Neil Armstrong, this will be one small step for humankind and one giant leap for humanity.
Scrolls of Hope would love to hear from you. Share your story, good news or upcoming events in the Good Scrolls Gazette.
Every day we have the honor of meeting many inspiring people of goodwill. Each going unnoticed because of their unassuming nature despite their extensive acts of kindness. With little or no expectations of anything in return, they carry out their lives in an everlasting state of love for humankind. These are individuals Scrolls of Hope recognizes for their life-changing effect on the world. Thank you to the silent heroes affecting our lives every day.
Anita Wladichuk, The Ghostly Owl
Anita & Painted Toys
Anita is a unique individual with an inspiring story. Faced with many challenges throughout her life, she accomplished many successes despite her past hardships. Completing her education in 2002, after a pause to raise her children, Anita earned three bachelors degrees. She holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Psychology, and also B.Ed in Education. By 2005, Anita authored a very successful book, ‘Anastasia and the Ghostly Owl,’ depicting a unique approach to self-discovery and overcoming childhood abuse and neglect.
Wooden Puzzles
Anita was enjoying a very successful career as an author and educator until November 2006. Tragedy struck, during a wind storm. A nearby awning came loose and hit Anita in the forehead causing extensive damage to her head, eyes, ear, and spine. Anita’s was diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury, also known as TBI. Often TBI is misunderstood throughout the medical field because this condition can be mild with little or no effect on a person’s life. In Anita’s case and many more throughout the world, TBI is incapacitating and mistaken for other unrelated medical conditions. Rehabilitation can span for many years if not the rest of their lives. Many inflicted with TBI become homeless or rely solely on others for support. Even with the severity of her injuries, this was not the case for Anita Wladichuk.
Taking Charge of Her Life
Painted Duck Toys
Unable to go back to work or do much else, Anita did not take her condition laying down. As with everything she did, she needed to take back charge of her life. With the help of a good friend and her loving son, Anita was able to stay in her home while healing. During her ten year recovery, she found solace in caring for others. As a gifted artist, Anita began painting wooden toys for children in need. Each toy she painted was donated to bring joy to many kids who had very little. When Anita wasn’t painting children’s toys, she often volunteered at the local food bank and helped care for seniors.
As of 2016, Anita is on the mend, and back to sharing her beautiful book ‘Anastasia and the Ghostly Owl.’ This book is full of hope to help inspire those who have been mistreated or neglected during their life. She intends to reach as many broken souls as possible uplifting them from their despair and heartache. This noteworthy cause is indicative of Anita’s character, always caring for others while independently facing her challenges. The byproduct of her continually giving to others has had the most substantial effect in aiding in her physical recovery and mending her wounded spirit.
Kindred Spirits
Scrolls of Hope celebrates Anita’s story. Her care for others and compassion mirrors that of how we all should be. She uses her past experiences, full of heartbreak and loss and turns them into her superpowers giving hope to all she touches.
Despite the challenges life gives us, there is never a good enough reason to give up. There is always something that can be done to overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacles placed in our path. Many are dealt a difficult hand. They can easily be lifted up with care and compassion. The kindness given to others is the same kindness that will always flow back strengthening resolve and opening up personal self-discovery and growth.
Scrolls of Hope is always looking for people of goodwill. They are out there making a diffence every day. As we continue our search we hope to bring additional stories of personal triumph and altruism.
If you have something to say, show or talk about it would be wonderful to hear from you. If writing is not your strength we would be happy to assist. Submit a story, comment or event below.
Be well, Have Gratitude and Spread Goodwill – Scrolls of Hope
In memory of her grandfather, Danielle a talented Christian contemporary artist is supporting the Alzheimer’s Association in bringing an end to this debilitating disease. She is raising awareness by participating in the 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Danielle will be participating in Asheville, North Carolina, Saturday, September 15, 2018. Scrolls of Hope is supporting Danielle’s desire to help make a change and to bring about awareness.
Danielle’s deep understanding of Alzheimer’s stems from the last six years of her grandfather’s life. She and her family watched him slowly change due to this cruel disease. During his entire time with Alzheimer’s, Danielle was the only person her grandfather consistently recognized. He never forgot her name once. After a fall that caused a severe head injury, Danielle was afraid her grandfather would not remember who she was before returning to see him. However, as she went to his bedside and said “Pepere,” he immediately replied, “Danielle you’re here.” This would be the last time Danielle and her grandfather spoke.
Our lives are a personal symphony of beautiful moments that make up our song. Although the memories are still there, many stricken with Alzheimer’s lose the use of their cognitive skills long before they are finished living out their lives. Danielle is acutely aware of this having suffered the loss of a loved one who helped build her foundation.
Music has the magical effect of bringing back the beautiful memories that reflect the impact others have had on our lives. Using both the memory of her grandfather and God-given talent, Danielle has found the inspiration for her song ‘Forget’ and the strength to bring awareness to the world. When listening to Danielle’s music, you can feel the compassion and love that is rooted in her heart.
Join Scrolls of Hope as we follow Danielle’s lead in bringing hope to those who feel lost. Even after we have moved on, our song still plays in the hearts of our loved ones with the continued inspiration of love.
Follow the link, ‘Walk to End Alzheimer’s‘ and help bring a greater awareness through unity. Let’s walk together in remembrance of all who have suffered so others will not have to in the future.
Scrolls of Hope is always looking to share your thoughts. If you have something to say, show or talk about, submit it here.
When an opportunity to show kindness presents itself, choose it. A wise woman once said “If you toss a pebble of kindness into a puddle the ripples of kindness will flow back to you. Throw a pebble of animosity & be ready for the tidal wave.
1. Smile
Smile and make eye contact with everyone that you meet. End every transaction and meeting with a sincere thank you and have a really great day. Most importantly, mean it.
2. See Only Good
There is good in everyone. See the good in everyone and everything. Practice by paying compliments to five people a day.
3. Put Others First
Let others go first. Everyone is so rushed that they often miss the needs of others. Practice your considerations they often slow down and let other proceed your needs.
4. Feed The World
You can’t rightly go out and feed the entire world but, you can start a flow toward such a task. The next time you see someone begging or on the streets, instead of handing them money or passing them by, buy an extra sandwich or meal and give it to them.
5. Befriend The Lonely
Sit next to someone who is less popular or alone instead of your regular crowd. Get to know that person and find something you have in common. Pull them into the gang. Say “hi” every time you see each other.
6. Pay A Compliment
Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it. For example, upon entering the Magic Kingdom, one of the security guards said to each child dressed as a princess ‘Excuse me, Princess, can I have your autograph.’
7. Be Kind To Yourself
Remember yourself. As we hustle and bustle of our busy days we forget about the person we really count on the most “yourself”. Every day write 3 to 5 things for which you’re grateful about yourself. Give praise for your accomplishments. Instead of beating yourself up for errors, write down how you can improve. Do this every night. Research has shown that this will increases your happiness and self-confidence.
One an ordinary Friday night six college students at Rutgers University-Camden became heroes. After spending the evening socializing, two of the students started heading for home at around midnight. As they exited the house, they saw that a duplex down the street had caught fire – and no one was…Continue reading College Students Rush into Burning Building to Save 90-Year-old Man