Plaque of Appreciation for Our Heroes

Scrolls of Hope Heroes

Hero Awareness for Good Samaritans

Scrolls of Hope is beginning an awareness program for our Good Samaritans and Heroes.  Have a digital Plaque of Appreciation created to express your gratitude.

These people of goodwill do not look for recognition. They toe the line without any thought to themselves. They are the good Samaritans who see a need and inherently fill it without any ulterior motive. They seldom receive credit for their actions and are usually anonymous to the masses. Their natural demeanor is structured around the golden rule and the virtues of man.

Every day is a good day to honor and remember the people who selflessly change our perspective, our lives and bring out the good in all of mankind.

Scrolls of Hope has developed a special way to show appreciation to the humanitarians in our lives. These are the caregivers, saviors, defenders, and educators.

  • Doctors and Nurses who tend to our well-being
  • Firefighters and Paramedics that save our lives
  • Soldiers that defend our country
  • Volunteers who see a need and fulfill it
  • Policemen that keep us safe
  • Teachers that broaden our minds
  • Courageous individuals that do the extraordinary

There are many heroes in our lives. Their sacrifices and actions make a significant difference to us all. We all want to send thanks to these humanitarians. Here is a place to let them know how much they are appreciated.
Send us your heroes. Tell us what they have done for you or our community. We will create a digital Plaque of Appreciation to honor them and their good deeds for free. To acknowledge and show gratitude for our everyday heroes, Scrolls of Hope will gratuitously share each Plaque of Appreciation through social media to be shared and enjoyed by all.

Tell us about your HERO and Scrolls of Hope will send you a Digital Plaque of Appreciation

    Your hero will be posted on the Scrolls of Hope Facebook page, Twitter and on Pinterest. We will send you an email with links to each post.


    Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

    Send a Genuine Plaque of Appreciation

    Through Scrolls of Hope, you can send a memorable message in a bottle expressing your gratitude to someone that has made your life better. A copy of the message will also be placed in a beautiful Plaque of Appreciation to be displayed for years to come. Visit Scrolls of Hope and go to the Good Samaritan Page.

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