Good Scrolls Gazette

Partners for Scrolls of Hope

Join in and support the launch of a new and unique way to reach out to those in need.

Companies and individuals can sponsor continual flows of Messages of Hope and inspiration to children, adults and elderly who are in healthcare facilities. There are also programs for the homeless as well as soldiers abroad. This sponsorship is not a fundraiser, all funds received will be used for the creation and distribution of Scrolls of Hope Messages and Accompanying Caring Gifts

Take a few moments to preview ‘Scrolls of Hope’ before the site is in full force.

All partners receive a featured advertisement on our partner page.

Each listing will have:

  • Sponsor level (Contributor, Sponsor, Benefactor)
  • Company logo or image
  • Description of the company
  •  Links to a website and social media account

A Contributor is an individual or company that funds 12 scrolls of hope to be sent out to recipients over the course of a year, and will receive a text listing on the Scrolls of Hope Partners page which can link to a website or social media account.

A Sponsor is an individual or company that funds 48 scrolls of hope to be sent out to recipients over the course of a year.  Sponsors will receive an in column image and text listing with a link to a company or social media website.

A Benefactor is an individual or company that funds 240 scrolls of hope to be sent out to recipients over the course of a year. A benefactor will receive a 3 column Image and text listing with a link to a company or social media website.

Sending a Scroll of Hope from our Partners

Each Scroll of Hope sent out on behalf of our partners will have a special mention of the partners.  Video, photos or notifications of partner packages delivered get posted on the ‘Scrolls of Hope’ blogs and Social Networks with a distinguished mention.

Within each package there is also a thank you note is also included to give recipients an opportunity to express their thanks when possible.  All thank you notes will be posted on the ‘Scrolls of Hope’ website with the same acknowledgment.

Visit and find out: What Is ‘Scrolls of Hope’?

Also visit our affiliated sites that share the same mission: Connection through communication. They are Personalized Treasure Scrolls and The InterGalactic Messengers. Please feel free to explore those as well.

Call 631-892-4187 for more information or to become a Scrolls of Hope Partner.

    For more Information fill out this form and a representative will reach out to you.

    All contributions received will be used in the creation and distribution of Scrolls of Hope messages and caring gifts.

    Be Well, Have Gratitude and Spread Goodwill