Uplifting Society one Step at a Time
The strength of any civilization is in direct proportion to the average well-being of ALL its citizens. If we were to envision the quality of existence of all humanity as a ladder, each rung could represent the condition of existence. Those existing at the top of the ladder would have a reasonably good life. The lower levels would depict individuals living with problematic or troubled complexities.
Lifting every person one step up on the ladder would change the spirit of the planet. To do this, we need to assist our fellow citizens who are struggling at the lower rungs of the ladder. Some of these individuals always had life trouble. Others previously towards the top of the ladder found themselves on the lower levels due to an unfortunate circumstance.
The Power of Love
When individuals feel disempowered by illness, loss or displacement, it is difficult for them to express themselves. All too often, these individuals may adhere their willpower to those who seem to have authority. This surrender causes them to lose themselves more and more until entirely dependent on others. With a little encouragement and compassion, many of these people could easily find themselves again and feel stronger. A show of kindness may even help heal illness, injury or help someone find faith and hope.
This sensitivity is especially vital at life’s end, or when a person is terminally ill. Compassion plays a significant role in letting one know they have made a difference in life. Being remembered and cared for helps individuals feel loved. Showing kindness to family members in their time of need gives extra support in handling the loss of a loved one.
Giving the Voiceless a Voice
Alyse Tobler-Price (MCAP) is not a stranger when it comes to empowering others. She has dedicated her entire career to giving a voice back to all she counsels. Being overwhelmed by the number of individuals that need tending, led to an easy and unique solution. She devised the SEMPI Social Communication Model that teaches individuals to listen and communicate reciprocally with each other on a much deeper level, in under 20 minutes. This allows individuals who feel lonely, isolated or unheard, to voice their often unspoken needs, and work toward understanding what is truly going on for them internally, which in turn promotes healing and personal empowerment. Once community members have learned the SEMPI model, they can then ‘pay it forward’ to help the next person find their voice, so they too can work toward feeling less lonely, isolated or unheard! Without hesitation, Alyse has given the SEMPI Social Communication Model free of charge to her community. Now she is sharing it throughout the world.
Learn more about SEMPI at the Goodwill Dispatch Reporter
Sharing a New Communication Model
Scrolls of Hope has adopted the new SEMPI Social Communication Model that teaches people how to feel heard, validated and understood by anyone who learns the model. By sharing it with affiliates, organizations can encourage their carers to learn how to deeply listen to those in their care. Genuinely hearing individuals experiencing difficult life challenges, enables a caregiver to advocate for what is needed by patients or displaced persons if they cannot do this for themselves. Being listened to empowers individuals to express their unmet needs easily, leading to self-empowerment through finding their voice. The SEMPI Social Communication Model removes the feelings of anguish previously experienced if people were not feeling heard. This connection gives everyone a deeper form of communication to build upon while promoting empathy, deeper listening skills, and the understanding of other’s perspectives apart from their own. Disempowered community members also start to feel more included, less lonely, and more loved.
Changing the World One Scroll at a Time
Dave and Wendy Williams, the founders of Scrolls of Hope, are reaching out to those making a change. Meeting and networking with altruistic individuals such as Alyse gives rise to the possibility of sharing stories about individuals at the forefront of social change. The purpose is to unite people of goodwill through the Good Scrolls Gazette. This new platform gives room to post and spread stories of hope and triumphs that will raise awareness.
Scrolls of Hope is a new idea that allows individuals to send messages of hope to people in less than favorable situations.
The Good Scrolls Gazette and Scrolls of Hope will continue to expand its network and adopt ideas that promote the betterment of all. This will be the place where stories of personal triumph, acts of silent heroes, and uplifting stories of social change will be shared. Coupled with local communities and global involvement, together we all can help everyone move one step up the Ladder of Well-being. To paraphrase a great man, Neil Armstrong, this will be one small step for humankind and one giant leap for humanity.
Scrolls of Hope would love to hear from you. Share your story, good news or upcoming events in the Good Scrolls Gazette.