The Beautiful Music Left Behind

The Beautiful Music Left Behind

Let your music sing from the heart

In memory of her grandfather, Danielle a talented Christian contemporary artist is supporting the Alzheimer’s Association in bringing an end to this debilitating disease. She is raising awareness by participating in the 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Danielle will be participating in Asheville, North Carolina, Saturday, September 15, 2018. Scrolls of Hope is supporting Danielle’s desire to help make a change and to bring about awareness.

Danielle’s deep understanding of Alzheimer’s stems from the last six years of her grandfather’s life. She and her family watched him slowly change due to this cruel disease. During his entire time with Alzheimer’s, Danielle was the only person her grandfather consistently recognized. He never forgot her name once. After a fall that caused a severe head injury, Danielle was afraid her grandfather would not remember who she was before returning to see him. However, as she went to his bedside and said “Pepere,” he immediately replied, “Danielle you’re here.” This would be the last time Danielle and her grandfather spoke.

More about Danielle

The melody of the spirit

Our lives are a personal symphony of beautiful moments that make up our song. Although the memories are still there, many stricken with Alzheimer’s lose the use of their cognitive skills long before they are finished living out their lives. Danielle is acutely aware of this having suffered the loss of a loved one who helped build her foundation.

Lyrics of Inspiration for Danielle’s song “Forget” inspired by her grandfather.

Music has the magical effect of bringing back the beautiful memories that reflect the impact others have had on our lives. Using both the memory of her grandfather and God-given talent, Danielle has found the inspiration for her song ‘Forget’ and the strength to bring awareness to the world. When listening to Danielle’s music, you can feel the compassion and love that is rooted in her heart.

Join Scrolls of Hope as we follow Danielle’s lead in bringing hope to those who feel lost. Even after we have moved on, our song still plays in the hearts of our loved ones with the continued inspiration of love.

Support Danielle’s Walk

Follow the link,Walk to End Alzheimer’s and help bring a greater awareness through unity.  Let’s walk together in remembrance of all who have suffered so others will not have to in the future.


Scrolls of Hope

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